Aug. 12, 2023
Checkmate your way to victory at the 1st Mayor's Rapid Chess Tournament!
Join us on August 12, 2023, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Municipal Conference Room, Baler, Aurora.
Ready to compete in the OPEN DIVISION? This thrilling tournament is open to all residents of Aurora!
Are you one of the top 8 players in Aurora? Don't miss the chance to battle it out in the prestigious APCO CHAMPIONSHIP!
For more info and registration, contact:
Rico De Mesa - 09127672923
Silver Marzan - 09426155454
Send a message to Ajedrez Aurora page to secure your spot!
Prepare your strategies, sharpen your minds, and get ready for an exciting day of chess battles!
Posted by: admin